If you encounter problems with classroom equipment, call 6688 on campus or go to http://act.shadleysoapstone.com/help. For a personal introduction to classroom equipment, email act@shadleysoapstone.com.

Classroom equipment for distance education

The majority of classrooms at New Mexico Tech are equipped for distance education and lecture capture, although the preferred rooms are Speare 14, 19,Recording sign 20 and Cramer 124. For a list of all Tech classrooms, their equipment list, and their schedule, go to http://shadleysoapstone.com/act/classrooms.

Rooms that are distance education-ready (as well as lecture capture-ready) are marked with a *.

Cameras capture video from distance education classrooms; most rooms have two ceiling or wall-mounted cameras: one to show the instructor and one to show the students, either both at once or individually, with their movement controlled by distance education staff.

To enable clear audio for live, distant students, and to those watching recordings via distance education or lecture-capture, instructors should wear the provided wireless lavalier mic attached to the front of their clothing. Distance education staff may help you adjust the position for best sound reception. Ceiling-mounted mics in most rooms allow students to be heard and recorded.

Students in the classroom view visuals on front-mounted projector screens or large flat-screen TVs. Many rooms also have side-wall-mounted TVs so that instructors and students can view distance students.

Smart podiumInstructors control what is seen in the classroom and online using a special desk-mounted, pen-abled screen that allows them to display, re-position and annotate any content. Writing on standard classroom whiteboards or blackboards will not allow distance students to view the content.